Welcome to
Nikki Gundy Ontrack

Get Ontrack.
Get Results.

Nikki Gundy, accountability coach and the creator of the Ontrack Method — a no-nonsense coaching framework designed to make fitness straightforward, enjoyable, and so effective, you’re almost guaranteed results. 

If you're tired of starting and stopping, lacking motivation, or struggling to stick to a routine, you're in the right place.

Why Ontrack works

  • Accountability coaching is proven to make you 95% more likely to achieve your goals - think about that,  that means there is just a 5% chance that you won’t succeed. We like those odds. Think of me like a fitness best friend who keeps it real and makes your fitness journey a breeze.

  • No fad, no gimmicks, no complicated plans. Ontrack is your daily support system, making your fitness journey a breeze, consistency feel easy and results come quicker than ever.

  • It's not just a buzzword. Accountability (when used the right way) is proven to bring your goals to life, make you commit, and speed up success.

Let’s get you Ontrack today

Join the Ontrack Club

For pep talks, some practical advice and the support of a great group of fitness best friends all pursuing similar goals? Head over to my FREE Facebook group. Come for the weekly chats and advice and stay for the fitness support system you never knew you needed.

1:1 Ontrack Coaching

 if you’ve tried EVERYTHING and feel like nothing works, this is for you. Not only does it work, it gets rave reviews and transforms you inside and out.

Ontrack Challenge

Do you love the energy of a community and the thrill of chasing a short term goal? Or just need something to kick you into gear and set you up for success? Join my January 2024 Ontrack Challenge  - there’s nothing like it.

Become an Ontrack Coach

Learn how to use my exclusive Ontrack method and set yourself up as the next go to accountability coach.

Your Success.
My Mission.

8 years ago, I was a stay-at-home mum struggling with my body and confidence. Today, Ontrack is a global community empowering women to simplify fitness, embrace consistency, and achieve more than ever.

Order the Ontrack
method daily planner

  • “The changes I’ve seen working with Nikki are monumental. Not only have I begun to achieve the aesthetic goal I have longed for but my mindset is completely different”

    Rikke H, Oxford

  • "Do you know how much money I’ve spent on stupid fad diets and books and ebooks? So happy, you have helped me more than anyone else in the most sensible way.”

    Chandler, USA

  • "Accountability coaching is the best investment I've made in myself!"

    Liv, London

  • "This program has really changed my outlook, I'm really enjoying it. I feel better in my clothes. I'm not getting cravings and I'm not aiming for perfection any more. I feel amazing!"

    Lottie, Cardiff

  • "Nikki has added a dimension to my fitness journey that I never thought possible. With Nikki’s unwavering support, my workout routine and nutrition are in separate boxes. When my workout routine has been interrupted by tonsillitis and concussion (!), my nutrition has not."

    Phillipa, London

  • "Thank you! For so many years I'm like, "this is the year I'm going to stick to a routine" and I never do... and with my schedule it's just so hard.. So this is exactly what I need!"

    Abby, USA

  • “I have to say, I’m in disbelief that I have been sticking to a healthy diet of almost 2 weeks! I have tried everything out there! I always knew I needed someone who helps me stick to a plan on a day to day basis, I just wasn’t sure what it was or how to get it. Thank you!”

    Maryam, USA

  • “I finally feel like I have my fitness back after becoming pregnant and I finally feel less anxious about what I’m putting in my body. I think a big part of that is down to you.”

    Jemma, Bristol

  • “Thank you again! I loved you being my cheerleader, you’re amazing at this! You’re seriously inspirational without being intimidating, such a girls’ girl.”

    Sam, London